Rava Explorer

Celia Dari

Celia Dari is a Rava Viera, originally from the Golmore Jungle in Othard. After her departure from her home village, Celia became a traveler and explorer, eager to see more of the world.She spent several years traveling across Eorzea and Othard, discovering and learning. Her travels eventually brought her to Kugane, where she became a member of the staff at The Dragon's Den Lounge.

About Celia

Personal Details
Height: 6' 3"
Hair: Platinum blonde
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Tan
Age: Unrevealed, but likely in her 30s
Outgoing, curious, confident, loyal, flirtatious
Note: much of the below would not be casually known to someone who meets Celia.
Celia was born in Dalmasca, in a Rava village in the middle of the Golmore Jungle. As a young child, she was tall for her age, which made her awkward and self-conscious -- traits which she did not entirely overcome until adulthood.As with all children in her village, she was raised communally by the adult Rava, and trained as a hunter and soldier, becoming an expert with the bow and the spear. She also learned about the flora and fauna of their jungle, and developed a talent for tending the village's crops.When Celia became an adult, at age 17, she was taken as a wife by one of the village leaders. She joined her wife's household, where she was the youngest of five "sister wives." She lived with her fellow wives for twelve years, both tending to household duties, as well as serving with her sister Rava as a warrior, defending their village against regular incursions by the Garlean army.In time, Celia grew restless, and a sense of wanderlust, and a desire to see the world, grew in her. She eventually asked for an end to her role as a wife, and declared her intent to leave her village -- an act which violated the Rava "Green Word," which required her family and friends to shun her for departing, and meant that she would likely not ever be welcomed back to her home.Celia's travels first took her west, to Eorzea. She visited each of the major nations there, and spent most of a year in the Twelveswood, before returning east, and traveling through Doma, then Kugane.While she was in Kugane, a friend brought her to a nightclub, The Dragon's Den -- Celia quickly became a regular there, and befriended several members of the staff. She began to study dance with one of the Den's dancers, and became a member of the club's staff soon after.She now splits her time between Kugane, and the home she shares with her partner in Ul'dah.RelationshipsSince leaving Golmore, Celia has made a number of friends. She has had several different romantic partners during her travels; she is currently in a relationship with a partner, to whom she is deeply committed.

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